People Feel Pressured To Tip When Picking Up Takeout

Somehow, the coronavirus pandemic has changed people’s tipping habits. A new survey reveals that since the pandemic started, more people have been leaving tips when picking up takeout food.  Moreover, the survey — conducted by Time2Play — found the reason people are tipping when it’s not necessary: They feel pressured by the restaurant to do it. “When polled, 67.7 percent of our respondents said they feel pressured to tip if the point-of-sale system prompts them to,” Time2Play officials write. About 44 percent of the respondents said they would not tip if the point-of-sale system didn’t prompt them to do it, the survey reveals.  That’s not to say the pandemic hasn’t affected tipping for people who sit down to eat. Before the pandemic began, the average tip was 17.1 percent of the bill, the survey found. Today, it’s 22.8 percent, the survey reveals.


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